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Avoid burning out as a Yoga Teacher

So often in my work I hear about yoga teachers burning out. It’s such an easy thing to do when we run from class to class, planning, writing emails, creating posters, booking venues – it all adds up. And so often the thing that gets put on the back burner is our own practice. I’ve had periods of this during my teaching career, and when that happens, we start to fall out of love with the very thing that inspired us to teach in the first place.

Remember to invest time in you – not necessarily for the sake of developing as a teacher – but remembering that yoga has always been a tool for YOU to stay balanced, grounded and able to better deal with life’s ups and downs.

burning out as a teacher deborah berryman

Fully commit to your self-practice

Self-practice is something that distinguishes a good teacher from a great one.  To hold space for an amazing yoga class, it’s crucial to invest time in our own practice. Inner work and committing fully to our own practice encourages us to continuously grow in our teaching. The more we show integrity in our yoga journey, the more authentic we will be to our students.  Self-practice helps us connect internally and believe in ourselves fully. And remember, people will only trust and believe in us once we start trusting ourselves, and giving time to our own practice is the best way to achieve this level of self-trust.

Keep Yourself Balanced

As a yoga teacher, remaining balanced and patient emotionally, physically, and mentally is essential. This allows our students to rely on our teachings consistently from week to week, day to day, and vice versa. While we aim to find balance in certain postures on the mat, there is a kind of balance that goes beyond our asana practice. Emotional and mental balance helps us stay positive, sensitive, capable of forming a deep connection to ourselves and others. It allows us to stay present in the moment and feel more centered. It also greatly impacts our teaching skills as we gain more experience, as it drives us towards being more humble and approachable.

Always Keep Learning and Continue to Evolve

Life never stops teaching us, on and off the mat. As a yoga teacher, we want to stay being a student, regardless of how experienced we’ve become. To keep excitement and interest in our own practice, treat yourself to a workshop, retreat, or yummy immersion – not simply to be a better teacher (although this is inevitably the bi-product) but simply because we love to explore the practice.

As Yoga teachers we have the ability to be the guiding light for our students by introducing them to self-love, self-awareness and the mind-body connection. Follow these tips and your teaching will be one that resonates with students for years to come.

We hope to see you soon.